Northern Minerals intersects high grade heavy rare earth oxides at Browns Range
Northern Minerals intersects high grade heavy rare earth oxides at Browns Range
Northern Minerals has returned its best intersections to date of heavy rare earth oxides at its
The best intersections at Wolverine also included 11 metres at 1.89% TREO from 50 metres, 8 metres at 1.88% TREO from 55 metres and 15 metres at 1.37% TREO from 87 metres.
Meanwhile, assays from Gambit returned highlights of 10 metres at 1.08% TREO from 0 metres, 8 metres at 1.4% TREO from 41 metres, 6 metres at 1.07% TREO from 58 metres and 2 metres at 4.16% TREO from 109 metres.
The widths and depths of these intersections suggest a significant mineralised zone at Wolverine.
Interestingly, some of the most recent holes have ended in mineralisation and Northern Minerals plans to drill deeper in the next phase of its program.
The assays are the latest from a 12,000 metre reverse circulation drilling program completed across
This program has identified high grade mineralisation at all four prospects tested – Wolverine, Gambit, Area 5 and Area 5 North.
Further assay results are expected from the reverse circulation program next month. Northern Minerals is also planning a follow up diamond drilling campaign to further test geological structures and define mineralisation.
Metallurgical testing
Northern Minerals is also continuing metallurgical testing at
This will involve the collection of about 3 tonnes of reverse circulation drilling samples, which will come from three prospects and target three different grades. Further metallurgical test work will be completed on additional samples from diamond drill holes planned for the current quarter.
Earlier metallurgical testing indicates that Northern Minerals can produce a high grade concentrate product with a relatively simple and low cost processing approach.
The next phase of metallurgical testing will help confirm the flow sheet the company is developing, and provide data for a desktop study being conducted in the coming quarter.
Importantly, the bulk samples will also produce sufficient concentrate for Northern Minerals to share with potential offtake partners, and advance its discussions with these parties.
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